Tuesday, July 7, 2009

trips ....

suddenli so many trips are rushin into my mind...
at first, it was langkawi...
de tots suddenli became so vivid today...
not a good tin...
need a brainwash...

nex was de kunming tin...
i shudn be worryin too soon since its not confirmed yet...
but ther wud be consenquences if i do go...
several reasons...
mainly is tat if i go, i won be around on de 10th august...
dun feel right if i'm not around on tat day..
shell shud noe y...

nex is tat its 10 whole days ...
10 out of 30 days of my reli reli short holiday is so hurtful...
10 days so many possible outings...
10 days being so far away from him...
may not sms as much summor..

since he's probably gonna work 9 til 6 every weekday, tink he wudn have much time eitherways...


den ther is one more thin...
malacca trip or not on de 18th???
shell was thinkin of bringin everyone...
but she changed her mind...
have to decide soon whether to join them...

got sketchbook due on 20th...
reli have no idea whether i can make it...


wad to do now...

p/s: shell's startin to stuff me wif those deadly pills...
thx to mum...yeesh...
like 10 pills a day...
can die one wei...